Polangui covers a total land area of 145.3 square kilometers (5,757 ha.) Based on WeatherSpark satellite index, the topography of Polangui contains significant variations in elevation, with a maximum elevation of 221.89 meters (728 feet) and an average elevation of 44.80 meters (147 feet) within a 3-kilometer radius.
Within the 16-kilometer area contains significant variations in elevation. As of 2003, agricultural land covered about 10,872.3 hectares or 74.82% of the total area utilized for different agricultural activities. The grassland (shrubland) consisted about 2,408.8 hectares or 16.58%, while the woodland cover was estimated at 373.90 hectares or 2.57%. Miscellaneous areas for general land use categories totaled about 875 hectares or 6.02%, per report from the Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM). The map in the follow page shows the topographic base of Polangui.